5 Signs It’s Time to Get Help For Hair Loss

Woman holds shed hair in her hands

Hair loss isn’t usually as dramatic as expected: It’s often slow, steady, and sneaky. It might start with a few extra strands here and there, but before you know it, you might lose a lot of hair frequently.

The good news is that if you recognize the warning signs early, our hair restoration expert, board-certified nurse practitioner, Melissa Donelson, can help at MD Optimal Health & Aesthetics in Columbia, MD. With more than 25 years of experience and advanced aesthetics training, Melissa provides personalized solutions to restore your hair and confidence.

Keep reading to learn five early signs of hair loss to watch for.

Thinner Ponytail or Hair Volume

If your ponytail feels thinner or your overall hair volume seems less, it’s a clear sign of hair thinning. This gradual loss of density can be hard to spot at first, but paying attention to how your hair feels can reveal early signs of a problem.

Excess Hair in Your Brush

Some shedding is normal, but you shouldn’t regularly see large clumps of hair in your brush. If your brush suddenly has a thick mat of hair despite cleaning it out regularly, it could mean your hair is falling out faster than it’s regrowing.

Hair in the Shower Drain

Finding more hair in the shower drain can be a red flag. As with hair in your brush, it’s normal to see a small amount of shedding in the shower drain. But if you notice more and more strands of hair lingering in the drain after every shampoo, your hair may be thinning at the roots.

Widening Part

If your part looks wider than it used to, this can point to hair thinning along the top of your scalp. A widening part often goes unnoticed until it becomes significant, so catching it early is crucial.

Seeing More Scalp

Increased scalp visibility, especially at the crown or temples, is a key sign of hair loss. This can happen gradually, making it one of the harder signs to spot. Sometimes, this type of change is easiest to see in bright light.

What Can You Do About Hair Loss?

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s time to consider professional solutions. At MD Optimal Health & Aesthetics, we offer a clinically-proven solution for both hair regrowth and skin renewal called Procell™. The treatment creates thousands of tiny microchannels in the scalp and delivers the body’s most powerful stem cells deep within the scalp to stimulate hair regrowth. It addresses the root causes of some types of hair loss.

Hair Loss Solutions in Columbia, MD

Don’t let hair loss destroy your confidence. Call MD Optimal Health & Aesthetics in Columbia, MD, at 240-444-5957 to schedule your consultation today.

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